No matter where we come from, our faith and our race, all of us, we are all God’s children.
Precious Gem
Everyone is precious gems; to their parents, to the country, and to the world. We must nurture and take pride in them.
Audio-Visual Presentations
You’ll find here various videos we’ve used in our events and presentations. We hope they’ll inform you and raise awareness.
Video: PEARL Kids and Teens Edition
A collection of videos during the PEARL Kids and Teens Edition event in St. Luke’s Medical Center.
PEARL Kids and Teens Edition
Held in St. Luke’s Medical Center, September 10, 2017, we gave hope to children and teenagers afflicted with Lupus, in a fun-filled event.
My Lupus, My Life
A gathering of Lupus Patients, as well as the book launching of “Hope for the Butterflies,” held at the St. Luke’s Medical Center in Quezon City.
I have Lupus, I am Beautiful
PEARL Musicale 2014
A follow up to last year’s musical presentation held this time in Glorietta on, March 2014.
Lupus in Clinical Practice
Held at the Diamond Hotel in Manila, on February 25, 2011, a seminar about Lupus aims to open awareness among doctors about Lupus, its effects, its impact and mitigation measures.