Hope for the Butterflies

Excerpts from “Hope for the Butterflies” – a handbook for lupus patients and caregivers.

Musculoskeletal Imaging (MSKI) in Clinical Practice 04 May 2019

Intramuros, Manila ā€“ The University of Santo Tomas Hospital (USTH) Section of Rheumatology hosted another successful postgraduate course last 04 May 2019 at The Bayleaf Intramuros on the topic ā€œMusculoskeletal Imaging in Clinical Practice.ā€ The event was headed and facilitated by the course director Dr. Sandra V. Navarra

#ActionForLupus: Region 1 Lupus Support Group Launching

A support group provides an opportunity for people to share personal experiences, feelings, and coping strategies about their illnesses. It may serve as a bridge to meet their psychosocial, emotional, and spiritual needs.

In line with the National Lupus Advocacy Week Celebration, the People Empowerment for Arthritis and Lupus (PEARL) held a forum on 10 February 2019 Sunday morning, with a theme #Action for lupus:

Students’ feedback on Patient Partners Workshop

It was an overwhelming experience to see actual patients who are affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis. When our patient partner, Maā€™am Sonia, explained to us how her daily life is affected, I realized the importance