UST Rheumatology at APLAR 2018

This 2018, the Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology Congress (APLAR 2018) was hosted by Kaohsiung, Taiwan. Five rheumatology fellows were privileged to attend the congress from 6-9 September, 2018 at the Kaohsiung Exhibition Center.

UST Rheumatology Lupus Clinics, 23 June 2018

Another Lupus Clinics was successfully completed with the help of both graduating and new medical clerks , a postgrad intern, Rheumatology fellows and consultants, and support staff.

LUISA World Lupus Day – FAQs in Lupus 13 May 2018

The activity aimed to address questions that commonly lingered in patients’ minds regarding various aspects of their condition. Participants were made to choose 2 out of 3 sessions beforehand, and an ice-breaker introduced each session for added fun.

LUPUS for the INTERNIST 03 May 2018

The Lupus Inspired Advocacy (LUISA) of Rheumatology Educational Trust Foundation, Inc. (RETFI) in partnership with Philippine Rheumatology Association (PRA) successfully held a post-graduate course last 03 May 2018 at the Bayleaf Intramuros.