Rheumatology Educational Trust Foundation, Inc. (RETFI)
University of Santo Tomas Rheumatology Manila, Philippines
Rheum for Kids Christmas Party (Jollibee E. Rodriguez, 3 Dec 2017)
It is another time of the year where in pediatric patients with rheumatologic conditions, gather once again in the annual Jollibee Christmas party, sponsored by our very dear Pediatric Rheumatologist, Dr. Christine Bernal.
LUISA & PEARL Christmas 2017
The latest installment of the quarterly PEARL for 2017 took place at the St. Luke’s Medical Center, Cathedral Heights Building Auditorium where a total of 181 registrants with over 128 patients attended the gathering.
Lupus Roadshow (Ilo-ilo, 18 Nov 2017)
It was indeed a great opportunity for the Ilonggo physician’s to be part of the recently conducted Lupus Academy Meeting. The event was held at Iloilo Mission Hospital’s Conference room, which was attended by 180 registered participants.
PRA Re-Accreditation on UST Pediatric Rheumatology (JBC, UST Hospital, 17 Nov 2017)
Last November 17, 2017 the Department of Pediatrics, Section of Pediatric Rheumatology was again re-accredited by the Philippine Rheumatologic Association for another 3 years. The chief of section, Dr. Christine […]
Advocacy Agenda Workshop 30-31 October 2017 The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland
Non-communicable diseases (NCD) caused 70% of deaths and disability all over the globe. In the Philippines, it ranks as one of the highest causes of socioeconomic burden in Filipinos and their families. But if you look at what comprised NCDs, most are preventable and premature.
19th APLAR Congress (Dubai,UAE, 16-20 Oct 2017)
The magical and vibrant city of Dubai was host to this year’s 19th Asia Pacific League Associations for Rheumatology Congress (APLAR) 2017 in collaboration with the Emirates Society for Rheumatology (ESR) […]
OSPFI Annual Convention (Acacia Hotel Manila, 9-11 Oct 2017)
In celebration of its 19th Annual Scientific Meeting, the Osteoporosis Society of the Philippines Foundation Inc. hosted a 3-day international course on bone densitometry in Acacia Hotel Manila last October 9-11, 2017.
Lupus study group (Bay Leaf Hotel, 16-17 Sep 2017)
The University of Santo Tomas Lupus Study Group had a meeting and series of mini-workshops last September 16-17, 2017 at Bayleaf Hotel Intramuros, Manila.
PRA Special Interest Group Meeting on Arthritis and Infectious Diseases (DOH Convention Hall, 15 Sep 2017)
The second Special Interest Group (SIG) forum this year was held last 15 September 2017 at Jose R. Reyes Memorial Medical Center (JRRMMC) Department of Health (DOH) Convention Hall.