PEARL and Wellness

The People Empowerment for ARthritis and Lupus (PEARL) once again assembled with enthusiasm at St. Lukeā€™s Medical Center (SLMC) last March 8 and 15, 2015 for its quarterly gathering. SLMC and University of Santo Tomas Hospital (USTH) rheumatology fellows and staff initiated the activity under the supervision of Dr. Sandra V. Navarra.

February 2015 Lupus Arthritis Clinics report

LUPUS and ARTHRITIS CLINICS* ā€“ FEBRUARY 2015 University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Manila, Philippines by Cheryl Anne D. Tan, MD The monthly Lupus and Arthritis Clinics were conducted last February […]

International Kawasaki Disease Symposium

It was a truly an exceptional learning experience and having Dr. Tomisaku Kawasaki, the Japanese Pediatrician who first described the disease in the late 1960s, with us in the meeting made it more special.

PEARL & LUISA at Papal Visit 2015

Hope and eager anticipation. Inspired by the theme ā€œMercy and compassionā€, and propelled by the lyrics of ā€œWe are all Godā€™s childrenā€ penned and sang by Jamie Rivera, the PEARL (People Empowerment for Arthritis and Lupus) movement through the Section of Rheumatology, joined the University of Santo Tomas (UST) and entire Filipino community in the eager preparations for Pope Francisā€™ coming.