UST IM-Rheumatology Accreditation 21 September 2023

The University of Santo Tomas Hospital (USTH) Section of Rheumatology is one of only 5 accredited Rheumatology training institutions in the country. The regular accreditation of the Rheumatology fellowship training program, overseen by the Philippine

WVSU COM – AUREUM Batch 2025

Batch AUREUM in partnership with WVSU COM Section of Rheumatology, People Empowerment for Arthritis and Lupus (PEARL) and RheumaCares thru Prof. Sandra V. Navarra – together with

Lupus KCR May 17-20, 2023

There is a word in Korean that is pronounced ā€œa-RHEUM-da-eunā€ which is a formal way of saying ā€œbeautifulā€. In the recently concluded Lupus – Korean College of Rheumatology Conference held in

A Legacy that Lives On

The valuable possesions of one of the pillars in Philippine Rheumatology and previous Dean of the UST Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Professor Emeritus


The pandemic had greatly strained our faceto-face encounters, however with the help of medical advancement and vaccine innovation, we have persisted.


LUISA is fortunate to be invited to Lupus Society of Batangasā€™ general assembly held at Lycasavillas Resort and Spa, Cuenca, Batangas. Lupus Society of Batangas emerged in 2015 from the passion of

Scleroderma, Myositis, CTD-ILD, and CTD-PH, Tokyo, Japan

From January to April 2023, Dr. Francis Martin Cuenco, an internist and rheumatologist from Rizal undertook his advanced training/visiting fellowship in Scleroderma, Myositis, and Connective Tissue Disease Associated Interstitial Lung Disease (CTD-ILD) and Connective Tissue Disease Associated Pulmonary Hypertension (CTD-PH) at Department of Allergy and Rheumatology of Nippon Medical School Hospital (NMSH) in Tokyo, Japan.