Lupus Roadshow – 20 November 2021

There is certainly more to Lupus and COVID-19 than meets the eye. The latest virtual activity last November 20, 2021 unleashed the latest in the interplay between these 2 conditions with high yield presentations by high caliber international and local speakers known for their prowess in their respective fields of specialization.

Flaring, Failing Kidneys in Lupus Pregnancy

By Vincent M. Luceño, MD

The Philippine Rheumatology Association in cooperation with the University of SantoTomas Faculty of Medicine and Surgery Sesquicentennial – Rheumatology Webinar Serieshold its 9th Interhospital Case Conference last September 4, 2021. In the face of thechallenging times brought about by Covid-19 pandemic, the 2-hour interactive discussionvia online platform was made possible and successful.

Masterclass: Landmarks in Gout

By Eric Ranniel P. Guevarra, M.D.

The University of Santo Tomas Hospital, Department of Internal Medicine-Section of Rheumatology commenced a virtual conference last August 14, 2021 via zoom platform. The discussion was led by Prof. Tito P. Torralba, MD and was moderated by Dr. Millicent T. Ong and Dr. Julie Li-Yu.

SSR-MSR virtual Workshop in Rheumatology

By Wendell Oliver Espanola, MD

This is an annual meeting that began in 1998 which alternates yearly between Singapore and Malaysia with this year’s theme “Rheumatology in the 21st Century”.

Forging Real Alliances in Virtual Spaces

Webinars and remote learning have existed for more than ten years. However, the pandemic has suddenly catapulted us into the virtual dimension, now a rapidly evolving and challenging landscape – what to do, and how?

Lupus Roadshow – 12 December 2020 Finale

As cheesy as that quote may be, truth is, the success of this year’s lupus roadshow would not have been possible if not for all the great minds coming together and realizing the dream to hold a lecture series of this magnitude during a worldwide pandemic.

Lupus Roadshow – 5 December 2020

In what has been an exciting and informative first-of-its-kindlupus roadshow, this year’s supposed series of lectures turned intoa weekly webinar series spanning almost 3 months.

Lupus Roadshow – 28 November 2020

Pulling off the 5th series of the Lupus Roadshow webinar is a story of a lupus patient who went thru a steep ride to survival. Attended by 155 participants, we were indulged with practical lessons that are timely and applicable both to lupus and non-lupus patients.