Lupus Roadshow – 21 November 2020

After weā€™ve been indulged by a case of pregnant lupus with renal flare in 14 November roadshow webinar, this next chapter challenged us with yet another
rollercoaster ride of events from a patient

Lupus Roadshow -14 November 2020

Lupus nephritis is one, if not the most dreaded complication of SLE. Rheumatologists are always on the lookout for signs or symptoms hinting that their patient is developing nephritis.

Lupus Roadshow – 17 October 2020

Forging alliances, a theme substantiated by the second series of the Lupus Roadshow webinar held last 17 October 2020, 1-3 PM. It was another fruitful Saturday afternoon when a multidisciplinary case was presented

Lupus Roadshow – 10 October 2020

The University of Santo Tomas Hospital (USTH) and St. Lukeā€™s Medical Center ā€“ Quezon City (SLMC-QC) Sections of Rheumatology, in partnership with Lupus Academy, Lupus Inspired Advocacy (LUISA) of Rheumatology Educational Trust Foundation, Inc. (RETFI), and Philippine Rheumatology Association (PRA)

APLAR 2020 Report

The convention catered exciting topics: 50+ live sessions, 1,000+ hours recorded content, 700+ accepted abstract, 100+ invited speakers and virtual exhibition.

PEARL Virtual Lay Forum 18 October 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has compelled the entire global community to sail through uncharted waters. As routines were interrupted, we had to adapt to an entirely

Lupus and PAH case conference – 19 September and 11 November, 2020

Refashioning Forrest Gumpā€™s seminal aphorism, we often hear our mentors say, ā€œLupus is like a box of chocolates, youā€™ll never know what youā€™re gonna get.ā€ These famous words couldnā€™t be any truer when we were met with the challenge of managing one of our most baffling patients yet.

Virtual PEARL Forum Aug 16, 2020

The global pandemic brought about by the COVID-19 virus has changed the world and the way we work, rest and play. The social distancing and stay-at-home orders have wreaked havoc on patients needing face-to-face encounters, as well as