PsorPhil 10th Anniversary

A Decade of Breaking Barriers


Courage, Hope, Advocacy and Triumph for Filipinos with Psoriasis

The 10th year Anniversary of Psoriasis Philippines was held 24th-25th of October in Shaw IT Mall Center coinciding with the National Psoriasis Week. The Event commemorated with the tag line of “Hug Me”- a way to acknowledge in the most physical expression that Psoriasis is not contagious.

PsorPhil: Psoriasis Philippines

Patient Summit

Psorphil has prepared 2-day fun-filled and inspirational programs for patients with psoriasis. On the 1st day, several speakers were invited to give special talks on understanding “what is psoriasis?” Drs. Teresita Gabriel and Jopoy Consignado gave scientific speeches, on the comorbidities and ABC’s of psoriatic arthritis. On the other hand inspirational talks were given by Mr. JP Lanot and Jayson Lo, teaching them on how to go about with the disease on a daily basis, gaining a different perspective and learning to cope on the frequent hassle and bustle of the disease. It is to give the people with Psoriasis the hope and courage to see life on the other side. Members of the organization also shared many inspirational experiences; they are people who have undergone such difficult moments in their lives from the time they have known the disease. They are living examples for patients of their same condition that life doesn’t end with psoriasis; there are ways in which they can fight against and win the battle. And as we listen to these speakers who are patients themselves, they truly inspire, gave hope and courage to all those who have heard them speak. Lifestyle interactive discussion was facilitated by Dr. VMVR and talks on financial management was given by Randell Tiongson

Thanksgiving Dinner and Awards Night

On the night of October 24, 2015, members and leaders of the organization have gathered to celebrate and be thankful for the 10th year and continuing success of their big group. During the event, commences recognition day and awarding ceremonies. Several have been awarded namely: Rickson del Rosario and Evelyn Punzalan (Psorcoach of the Year); Philip Alcasid, Jude Lugtu, Dominador delos Santos III (Team Members of the Year); Jay Licauco (Member of the Year); Liza dela Cruz, Marj Platilla (Moderators of the Year); Drs. Faith Kishi-Generao & Evelyn Gonzaga (Dermatology) and Dr. Marian Galdones (Rheumatology) (Doctors of the Year); Prudy Verzo & Joane Francia Opulencia (Voluteer of the Year) and Rafael Suarez (Hero of the Year). Many inspirational people were awarded and given recognition during the event: Mary Sharmaine Dianquinay, Leocente Reyes, Aurora Maghirang, Paolo Bediones,

Jing Castaneda, Melchito Castro, Rolando Lansigan, Fernando Sena and Mr. Tony Meloto (Most inspiring person with Psoriasis). Psoriasis doesn’t choose whom to affect and even some celebrities get afflicted, underwent their own struggles and succeed in overcoming their disease. Lastly, Mr. Josef de Guzman was awarded Outstanding Leadership and Humanitarian Service award.
Intermission numbers from PEARL with Psorphil Members singing Ain’t No Mountain High, Ria Mae Cagatin And RITM dermatologists who performed special dance number gave spice to the event. Closing the event, Seasons of Love was sung bringing the message that Love should be shared and everyone deserves to be loved.

Psoriasis Philippines

Hug Me Campaign: Promoting Awareness

World Psoriasis Day and Fun Walk

On the second day of the event, they have organized a fun walk program from Rajah Sulayman traversing UN Avenue then back to Rajah Sulayman where most of the psoriasis patients, Psorphil members and doctors have joined. It is a walk with a purpose giving those who join a fun and carefree experience shared with each other. It is a way of promoting advocacy of togetherness and camaraderie.

Showcase of talents from Psorphil club during the WPD Got Talent program and Psorkids during their intermission performance were highly appreciated by the audience.
The 2-day Celebration of Life from Psoriasis Philippines has truly been an enormous success

Thank You for continued partnership with PRA!